
Are Women Better Business Travelers Than Men?

A recent study conducted by CWT Solutions Group stirred up some controversy across the web, as a variety of business publications began to conclude that women are better business travelers than men. The basis of these arguments was CWT’s finding that female business travelers book flights, on average, almost two days earlier than their male […]

Working Holiday in Australia

To American college graduates, the idea of “gap year”– a year dedicated to taking time off to travel- has always been a foreign concept that never really seemed like a viable option for those close to finishing up their degrees. Furthermore, the thought of moving abroad to work or even start a career is almost […]

How to Fit Fitness Into Business Trips

We all know the benefits of regular physical activity—from reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers to improving our mental health. Yet, it is hard to find the time to exercise. In fact, 2014 data from the National Center for Health Statistics shows that only 20.8% of all adults over 18 meet […]

Expense Fraud: 7 Ways Business Travelers break the rules

In 2011, CNN reported a story about a woman who was fired for putting a hotel room movie rental in the amount of $9.95 on her business travel expense report. While this may sound extreme, her manager’s argument was that if the company allowed this, and it kept happening, then they would be sending a […]

A Business Traveler’s Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Diet

When you’re traveling out of town for work, the last thing you want to do is watch what you eat. Getting away, even if it’s for work, can put you in the mindset of saying yes to that second (or third) jelly donut in the morning. Weight gain from traveling may not only be caused […]

Dusk or Dawn? The impact of A.I. on the human workforce

In California, a Stanford student creates a robot that answers legal questions, and in China, a TV channel starts featuring a robot that delivers the daily weather forecast live on camera. What seem like fun experiments at first will most likely have a profound impact on what our workforce of the future will look like. […]

Business Travel and Parenting: Ideas for Staying Close to Your Kids

When Olivia Curry was traveling over 100 days a year for her work at a well-known consulting firm, she loved it.* Even after having her first child, Olivia still enjoyed traveling for work. “Most parents won’t admit this,” Olivia says, “but it’s nice to have a break from parenting—to have an adult conversation, rock your […]

Millennials: A New Generation of Business Travelers

It’s no secret that Millennials like to spend money, especially when expenses are covered by their boss. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) forecasts that by the year 2020, Millennials will account for 50% of all business travel spending. Compared to The Baby Boomers or Generation X, Millennials are more likely to spend more money on food, room service […]

Networking Tips for the Busy Business Traveler

Sometimes, it’s all about who you know and not what you know. Networking is a key tool for those looking to get ahead in today’s competitive business environment. If you live a busy lifestyle, traveling often for work, it may seem that you might not have the time to explore networking opportunities, but that couldn’t […]

Avoiding Cultural Faux Pas in China

According to the travel agency, China Highlights, an estimated 98.9 million people traveled to China for tourism, business and work in 2015. This should be no surprise since China has established a reputation for itself as a central hub for companies all over the globe; companies like Apple and Ford have production and manufacturing based […]